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Internet of Things and telecom law issues

Internet of Things technologies require the communication between devices on telecom networks that vary depending on the type of service provided. ย Such communications in some cases lead to telecom law issues in relation to the possibility to use the relevant telecom network and obligations triggered by such usage. ย These are among the issues that the Italian telecom authority, AGCOM and the UK telecom authority, OFCOM, will be discussing during the current consultation on the Internet of Things.

Internet of Things – Italian telecom authority seeks inputs

The Internet of Things (IoT) will enable devices to communicate and share data with one another and data to be combined and used across multiple applications. ย However, such applications also raise relevant legal issues. ย The Italian Telecom Authority (AGCOM) has for this purpose just launched a consultation on the Internet of Things in order to understand how to better foster this market whose value will reach $ 7.1 trillion in sales by 2020. ย 

New rules on biometric data, and the Internet of Things?

New rules on the usage of biometric data issued by the Italian data protection authority (the "Garante" or "DPA") are meant to clarify the applicable obligations with the purpose to ease the adoption of technologies relying on them in connection for instance to mobile devices and therefore also of wearable technologies part of the Internet of Things. ย However, such rules, that are now subject to an open consultation, set stringent obligations in their processing that might require improvements to avoid they reppresent a barrier for the launch of new products.

Wearables, watch your hands!

$ 3 billion will be spent in 2014 on 10 million units of wearable technologies according to a Deloitte report, but the potentials of this market can be seen also through the attempts by tech companies to patent anything connected to them, including the heart gesture made in front of Google Glasses so setting a new approach for the Internet of Things! ย