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Internet liability

Here are some interesting articles on Italian and international internet liability law related issues drafted by either Giulio Coraggioย or the other authors of GamingTechLaw.

Yahoo! – Internet liability for Searchable Contents

The Court of Rome has issued aย decisionย on the Internet liability of search engines that will lead to considerable discussions.ย PFA Films S.r.l., as exclusive licensee of exploitation rights on the movie โ€œAbout Ellyโ€ of the directorย Asghar Farhadi, brought an interim injunction before the Court of Rome against Google Italy S.r.l., Yahoo! Italia S.r.l. and Microsoft S.r.l. (as owner of the search engine Bing) because of the breach of their IPRsย through links to websitesย allowing the streaming view, the downloading or P2P transfer of the movie without PFAโ€™s consent.